Mamta's Kitchen

Garlic Raita (Yoghurt)

Lahsun Raita

Vinodini Rastogi


This is a simple side dish for garlic lovers! Mrs. Rastogi is my sister in-law's mum. She is a brilliant cook. Mamta.


  • 1 large carton or 500 gm. or 1 pint natural yoghurt or dahi (use skimmed if you want low fat)

  • 10 cloves garlic (less if large cloves), peeled

  • 1-2 green chillies, to taste

  • A bunch of coriander leaves (1 cup chopped)

  • Salt to taste

  • 1/2 tsp. Garam Masala


  1. Chop finely garlic, coriander and green chillies. This can be done together in a food processor.

  2. Fold all ingredients into the yoghurt until evenly mixed. Adjust seasoning.

  3. Garnish with a sprinkle of garam masala.

  4. Serve as an accompaniment to Indian food.


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