Mamta's Kitchen - A Family Cookbook

Window ledge Lemon Pickle

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On 16/08/2021 08:08am, Zosh wrote:

Hi Mamta, how are you ?? Can you offer some advice please? I have 6 lemons that have been zested and juiced. Would like to make LP with the hulls that are left. Do you think it will work? Maybe adding some extra lemon juice to start the process off? What do you think


On 18/08/2021 09:08pm, Mamta wrote:

Hello Zosh

It will definitely work. My late father used to do this all the time when I was growing up in India. He would have a jar on a windowsill or in our courtyard almost permanently. Every time anyone squeezed a lemon, and we went through a lot making lemon drinks and dressings etc., the skin would go in the jar, along with a sprinkle of rock salt. Eventually the jar would fill up and he would leave it to 'ripen' for a few months.

So go for it and start your lemon pickle. If you use few lemons, make it in a small jar, so it fills up fast.


On 28/08/2021 08:08pm, Martin wrote:

If you want to 'up' the lemon side you can buy Lemon Salt instead of ordinary salt. Just an idea!

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